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Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Syndielasmatidae

Syndielasmatidae was named by Cooper (1956). Its type is Syndielasma.

It was assigned to Plectambonitoidea by Williams et al. (2000).

Sowerbyites, Syndielasma (type genus)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1956Syndielasmatidae Cooper
2000Syndielasmatidae Williams et al. p. 317

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
orderStrophomenidaOpik 1934
superfamilyPlectambonitoideaJones 1928
familySyndielasmatidaeCooper 1956
familySyndielasmatidaeCooper 1956

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Syndielasmatidae Cooper 1956
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G. †Sowerbyites Teichert 1937
Sowerbyites delicatus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites hami Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites hibernicus Mitchell 1977
Sowerbyites isotes Percival 1991
Sowerbyites lamellosus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites medioseptatus Teichert 1937
Sowerbyites subnasutus Cooper 1956
Sowerbyites triseptatus Willard 1928
Sowerbyites vesciseptus Percival 1979
Sowerbyites wahringaensis Percival et al. 2001
G. †Syndielasma Cooper 1956
Syndielasma biseptatum Cooper 1956
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 14:13:23
Modified: 2009-04-13 11:03:33
Source: o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Nesnidal et al. 2013, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Arenig to the top of the Mohawkian or 478.60000 to 451.00000 Ma

Collections (57 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Arenig478.6 - 466.0China (AnHui) Sowerbyites sp. (7841)
Rangerian470.0 - 470.3USA (Nevada) Syndielasma biseptatum (104448 104460)
Middle Ordovician470.0 - 458.4USA (Kentucky) Sowerbyites sp. (124619)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Nevada) Syndielasma biseptatum (104449) Syndielasma sp. (14232)
Early/Lower Llanvirn468.0 - 461.1Norway (Trøndelag) Syndielasma biseptatum (191062)
Llanvirn468.0 - 458.4Ireland Syndielasma sp. (381)
Gisbornian - Darriwilian458.4 - 458.4Australia (New South Wales) Sowerbyites wahringaensis (119706)
Gisbornian - Harnagian458.4 - 457.2Australia (New South Wales) Sowerbyites sp. (2708)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5USA (Virginia) Sowerbyites triseptatus (33454 33455 33525 33526)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5USA (Nevada) Sowerbyites sp. (320)
Gisbornian - Eastonian458.4 - 449.5Australia (Tasmania) Sowerbyites sp. (2685)
Gisbornian - Eastonian458.4 - 449.5Australia (New South Wales) Sowerbyites sp. (2721)
Mohawkian457.3 - 451.0USA (Nevada) Sowerbyites lamellosus (186187) Sowerbyites sp. (105564)
Ashbyan457.3 - 449.6USA (Virginia) Sowerbyites gildersleevei (203256) Sowerbyites sp. (33544 33545 33546 33547 33548) Sowerbyites subnasutus (203254) Sowerbyites triseptatus (105245)
Ashbyan457.3 - 449.6USA (Tennessee) Sowerbyites triseptatus (203285 219873)
Ashbyan - Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Virginia) Plectambonites triseptatus (203286)
Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Oklahoma) Sowerbyites hami, Sowerbyites lamellosus (23895) Sowerbyites lamellosus (23893)
Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Tennessee) Sowerbyites delicatus (203257)
Rocklandian - Kirkfieldian457.3 - 449.6United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) Sowerbyites hibernicus (89157)
Wildernessian457.3 - 449.6Canada (Northwest Territories) Sowerbyites sp. (26953)
Eastonian452.7 - 449.5Australia (New South Wales) Sowerbyites isotes (2699 2702 2725 2726 2727 2745 2751 2754 64562 166834 166835 166840 166843 166845 166848 166849 166850) Sowerbyites sp. (2648 64583 236049)
Eastonian - Onnian452.7 - 449.5Australia (Tasmania) Sowerbyites sp. (2693)
Eastonian - Onnian452.7 - 449.5Australia (New South Wales) Sowerbyites vesciseptus (2661)