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Bufonaria (Bufonaria)

Gastropoda - Bursidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1817Bufonaria (Bufonaria) Schumacher p. 251
2005Bufonaria (Bufonaria) Beu p. 8

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
superorderLatrogastropodaRiedel 2000
superfamilyTonnoidea(Suter 1913)
familyBursidaeThiele 1925
genusBufonariaSchumacher 1817
subgenusBufonariaSchumacher 1817

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subg. Bufonaria (Bufonaria) Schumacher 1817
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Invalid names: Bursa (Bufonaria) spinosa Lamarck 1816 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilef
Life habit: epifaunalf
Diet: carnivoref
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-10 07:59:04
Modified: 2009-09-10 09:59:04
Source: f = family, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Middle Miocene to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 15.97000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 11.608 Ma

Collections (18 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Indonesia Bufonaria echinata (70178)
Late/Upper Miocene11.608 - 5.333Pakistan Ranella spinosa (77133)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6Japan (Okinawa) Bursa rana (42318)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Papua New Guinea Bursa crumena (78263)
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588Indonesia Bursa crumena (84523 84560)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Fiji Bursa rana (94832)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781Taiwan Bursa rana (96254 96255 96259 96270 96271 96272 96273 96276 96279)
Middle Pleistocene0.774 - 0.129Vanuatu Bursa margaritula (78043)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Saudi Arabia Bufonaria thersites (192720)