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Anthozoa - Stauriida - Hapsiphyllidae

Amplexizaphrentis was named by Vaughan (1906) [Sepkoski's age data: D Fame-u C Serp-l Sepkoski's reference number: 174,680]. It is not extant.

It was reranked as Zaphrentoides (Amplexizaphrentis) by Easton (1975).

It was assigned to Zaphrentoides by Easton (1975); to Hapsiphyllinae by Hill (1981); and to Rugosa by Sepkoski (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1906Amplexizaphrentis Vaughan
1944Triplophyllites Easton
1962Enniskillenia Kabakovich
1975Triplophyllites Easton
1975Zaphrentoides (Amplexizaphrentis) Easton p. 675
1981Amplexizaphrentis Hill
2002Amplexizaphrentis Sepkoski

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
subclassRugosa(Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850)
orderStauriidaVerrill 1865
familyHapsiphyllidaeGrabau 1928
subfamilyHapsiphyllinaeGrabau 1928
genusAmplexizaphrentisVaughan 1906

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Amplexizaphrentis Vaughan 1906
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Invalid names: Enniskillenia Kabakovich 1962 [synonym], Triplophyllites Easton 1944 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calciteg
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yeso
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Comments: Zigzag microstructure may indicate high-Mg calcite according to Webb and Sorauf (2002)g
Created: 2007-11-15 09:10:00
Modified: 2007-11-15 11:10:00
Source: g = genus, o = order, c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Ivorian to the top of the Wuchiapingian or 353.80000 to 254.17000 Ma

Collections (122 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Devonian - Carboniferous419.2 - 298.9USA (Montana, and Wyoming) A. cliffordanus (12387)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0USA (Utah) Triplophyllites sp. (554)
Early/Lower Mississippian358.9 - 346.7USA (California) Triplophyllites sp. (226416)
Tournaisian358.9 - 346.7Russian Federation (Komi) A. sp. (46529)
Kinderhookian - Osagean358.9 - 343.0USA (Nevada) Triplophyllites sp. (5750 5753)
Kinderhookian - Osagean358.9 - 343.0USA (Utah) Triplophyllites sp. (5756) Triplophyllites spinulosus (5755) Triplophyllites subcrassus, Triplophyllites paucicinctus (13361)
Kinderhookian - Osagean358.9 - 343.0USA (Arizona) Triplophyllites sp. (93777)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (Arizona) Triplophyllites sp. (13239 13240 13241)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (Utah) Triplophyllites sp. (12344)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (Montana) Triplophyllites enniskilleni (211322)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (Colorado) Triplophyllites sp., Triplophyllites pamatus (10405)
Ivorian353.8 - 346.7USA (Nevada) A. sp. (6274)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Utah) A. sp. (560)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Indiana) A. sp. (550 2455)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (California) Triplophyllites californicus (226753)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Tennessee) A. sp. (8140)
Arundian346.7 - 340.0United Kingdom (Wales) A. enniskilleni (5757)
Arundian - Holkerian346.7 - 340.0Egypt (Sinai) A. enniskilleni, A. palmatus, A. sp. (5534)
Chadian346.7 - 340.0USA (Tennessee) A. sp. (6914)
Chadian346.7 - 340.0USA (Indiana) A. sp. (2184 2187 2191 2202 2204 2207 2208 2252 2442 2448)
Chadian - Arundian346.7 - 340.0Russian Federation Enniskillenia sp. (78779)
Chadian - Arundian346.7 - 340.0USA (Indiana) A. sp. (557 558)
Visean346.7 - 330.9Australia (Queensland) A. sp. (40008)
Visean346.7 - 330.9China A. sp. (234668)
Visean346.7 - 330.9Egypt A. enniskilleni, A. palmatus, A. cassa, A. elliptica (46983)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5Canada (Yukon) A. sp. (569)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5Canada (Northwest Territories) Triplophyllites sp. (62434 62435)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Kentucky) A. compressus (2713)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Nevada) A. sp. (6278 6279 6307 6308 62674)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5Canada (Alberta) Triplophyllites sp. (62325)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Indiana) Triplophyllites sp. (6698 6699)
Asbian - Brigantian340.0 - 330.9Morocco A. sp. (134863)
Asbian - Brigantian340.0 - 330.9Algeria A. illizidensis (135342) A. sp. (135034)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9United Kingdom (Scotland) A. curvilinea (6441 6444 6447 6453 6455 6460)
Brigantian336.0 - 330.9United Kingdom (England) Triplophyllites bicentrica (73392) Triplophyllites curvilinea (73400 73423 73426)
Brigantian - Pendleian336.0 - 327.0USA (Indiana) A. spinulosus (7000 7003 7005 7007 7011 7013 7014 7015 7018 7019 7021 7025 7027 7028 7031 7032)
Brigantian - Serpukhovian336.0 - 323.2Russian Federation Enniskillenia sp. (78798)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (Montana) Triplophyllites sp. (579) Triplophyllites spinulosus (211350)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2Canada (Alberta) A. sp. (62627) Triplophyllites sp. (62376) Triplophyllites spinulosus (62384)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (Idaho) A. sp. (13087 13088)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (Indiana) Triplophyllites spinulosus (6879 6884 6891 6894)
Pendleian330.9 - 327.0USA (Illinois) A. spinulosus (7066 7067 7068 7070 7071 7073)
Pendleian330.9 - 327.0USA (Kentucky) A. spinulosus (7061 7062 7063 7065)
Late/Upper Mississippian330.9 - 323.2USA (California) Triplophyllites sp. a (226417)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2USA (Montana) Triplophyllites spinulosus (5622 5642)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2USA (Arkansas) A. maneri (5518) A. sp. (5522) A. sp., A. maneri (5517)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2Russian Federation Enniskillenia enniskilleni (78799)
Arnsbergian327.0 - 323.7USA (California) Triplophyllites sp. A (220592) Triplophyllites sp., cf. T. sp. A (226420)
Stephanian307.5 - 300.4China (Nei Mongol) A. sp. (78562)
Kasimovian307.0 - 303.7Egypt A. paralleloides, A. clithria (50124)
Gzhelian303.7 - 298.9USA (Texas) A. sp. A (43483 43587) A. sp. B (43477) A. sp. C (116723)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Greenland A. exzentrica, A. pustulosa (108482) A. pustulosa (108483) A. sp. (108485)