Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Tetragonitidae
Alternative spelling: Anagaudryceras (Zelandites)
Synonyms: Anazelandites Matsumoto 1938, Hypogaudryceras Shimizu 1934, Varunaites
Full reference: P. Marshall. 1926. The Upper Cretaceous ammonites of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 56:129-210
Parent taxon: Gaudryceratidae according to W. J. Kennedy and N. J. Morris 2018
See also Henderson 1970, Hoffmann 2010, Kennedy 1994, Kennedy and Klinger 1979, Macellari 1986, Macellari 1988, Matsumoto 1959, Morozumi 1985, Sepkoski 2002, Shimizu 1935, Szives 2007, Ward and Kennedy 1993, Wright et al. 1996 and Wright and Kennedy 1984
Sister taxa: Anagaudryceras, Eogaudryceras, Gaudryceras, Gaudryceras sigcau, Parajaubertella, Zealandites
Subtaxa: Zelandites dozei Zelandites europae Zelandites inflatus Zelandites kaiparaensis Zelandites odiensis Zelandites perezi Zelandites varuna
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (6 collections), Canada (7: British Columbia), Chile (5), France (2), India (1), Italy (1), Japan (9), Madagascar (2), New Zealand (1), North Pacific (1), the Russian Federation (6), South Africa (3), Tanzania (1), United States (5: Alaska, California), Venezuela (1)
Total: 51 collections including 52 occurrences
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