Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Anthracotheriidae
Parent taxon: Anthracotheriidae according to L. Scherler et al. 2019
See also Boisserie et al. 2005, Boisserie et al. 2010, Hay 1902 and Scott 1940
Sister taxa: Aepinacodon, Afromeryx, Ancodon, Anthracochoerus, Anthracosenex, Arretotherium, Atopotherium, Bothriodontinae, Bugtitherium, Bunobrachyodus, Choeromeryx, Elliottherium, Elotherium, Epirigenys, Gonotelma, Hemimeryx, Heothema, Huananothema, Kukusepasutanka, Masritherium, Merycops, Microbunodontinae, Pachychoerops, Parabrachyodus, Probrachyodus, Qatraniodon, Sivameryx, Telmatodon, Ulausuodon
Subtaxa: Anthracokeryx Anthracotherium Anthracotherium bumbachense Anthracotherium illyricum Heptacodon Nabotherium Paenanthracotherium Prominatherium
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
• Miocene of India (1 collection), Pakistan (3)
• Oligocene to Miocene of France (1), Kazakhstan (1)
• Oligocene of China (4), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (4), France (23), Georgia (1), Germany (4), Italy (6), Pakistan (3), Romania (1), Slovenia (1), Switzerland (7), United States (6: Colorado, South Dakota)
• Eocene of Canada (3: Saskatchewan), China (16), Croatia (1), Italy (1), Myanmar (18), Thailand (3), the United Kingdom (1), United States (6: Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming), Vietnam (1)
Total: 117 collections including 138 occurrences