Cybium Cuvier 1829 (ray-finned fish)

Actinopteri - Scombriformes - Scombridae

Parent taxon: Scombridae according to M. Leriche 1942

See also Agassiz 1835, Casier 1946, Casier 1966, de Beaufort 1926 and Weiler 1938

Sister taxa: Acanthocybiinae, Acanthocybium, Acanthonotos, Ardiodus, Cariniceps, Caucombrus, Eoscomber, Eoscombrus, Eucynodus, Gasterochismatinae, Gasteronemus, Godsilia, Lepidocybium, Ocystias, Pelamys, Pneumatophorus, Pseudauxides, Sardinae, Sardini, Scomber, Scomberodon, Scombridarum, Scombrinae, Scombrinus, Scombrosarda, Thunnoscomberoides, Toxopoma, Tunita, Turio, Wetherellus, Xestias

Subtaxa: Cybium bartonense Cybium bleekeri Cybium excelsum Cybium loczyi Cybium macropomum

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Ecology: nektonic omnivore


• Pliocene of Angola (1 collection)

• Miocene of Austria (1), India (2), Indonesia (1), Italy (1), Madagascar (1)

• Oligocene of Azerbaijan (1), France (1), Hungary (1), Venezuela (1)

• Eocene of Belgium (2), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (2: Louisiana, Maryland )

• Paleocene of United States (1: Maryland)

Total: 22 collections each including a single occurrence

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