Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Merulinidae
Parent taxon: Merulinidae according to D. Huang et al. 2014
See also Wells 1956
Sister taxa: Anisocoenia, Antiguastrea, Aquitanastraea, Astrea, Australogyra, Bikiniastrea, Boninastrea, Cladocora, Coelastrea, Cyphastrea, Dictuophyllia, Diplogyra, Dipsastraea, Echinopora, Edwardsastraea, Erythrastrea, Favites, Goniastrea, Hydnophora, Hydnophyllia, Leptoria, Liptodendron, Merulina, Monticulastraea, Mycedium, Oulophyllia, Paraclavarina, Paragoniastrea, Paraleptoria, Paramontastraea, Parastrea, Pectinia, Phacellocoenia, Platygyra, Plavecia, Procladocora, Scapophyllia, Tarbellastraea, Trachyphyllia
Subtaxa: Orbicella annularis Orbicella benoisti Orbicella boehmi Orbicella faveolata Orbicella franksi Orbicella limbata Orbicella linggapadangensis Orbicella murrayi Orbicella nancyi Orbicella pleiades Orbicella praeheliopora
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Antigua and Barbuda (1 collection), the Bahamas (54), Barbados (72), Belize (7), Cayman Islands (44), Christmas Island (3), Colombia (50), Costa Rica (21), Djibouti (1), Dominica (1), the Dominican Republic (15), Eritrea (1), Guadeloupe (2), Haiti (10), Jamaica (10), Japan (3), Mexico (2), Montserrat (1), the Netherlands Antilles (90), Panama (25), Puerto Rico (1), Saint Kitts and Nevis (6), Saint Lucia (1), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), United States (26: Florida), Venezuela (1), Virgin Islands (13)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Bahamas (1), Costa Rica (6), Indonesia (1), Jamaica (1)
• Pliocene of the Bahamas (3), Costa Rica (10), the Dominican Republic (21), Haiti (3), Indonesia (7), Jamaica (1), the Netherlands Antilles (11), Taiwan (1), United States (1: Florida)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Aruba (1), the Dominican Republic (7), Malaysia (1), United States (1: Puerto Rico)
• Miocene of Colombia (2), Cuba (1), the Dominican Republic (21), Grenada (1), Haiti (2), Indonesia (2), Iran (1), Japan (1), Mexico (4), the Netherlands Antilles (1), Panama (8), Trinidad and Tobago (6), Turkey (1), Venezuela (2)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Christmas Island (9), United States (2: Florida)
• Oligocene of Venezuela (1)
• Eocene of Indonesia (1)
• Carboniferous of Belgium (1)
Total: 606 collections including 695 occurrences
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