Cryptoplax Blainville 1818 (chiton)
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Polyplacophora - Chitonida - Acanthochitonidae
Parent taxon: Acanthochitonidae according to H. S. Ladd 1966
See also Sepkoski 2002 and Wells and Houston 2001
Sister taxa: Acanthochitona, Acanthochitoninae, Bassethullia, Callistochitoninae, Craspedochiton, Cryptochiton, Cryptoconchus, Leptoplax, Notoplax
Subtaxa: Cryptoplax menkrawitensis
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal grazer
• Miocene of Australia (1 collection), Fiji (1), the Marshall Islands (4), Slovakia (1)
Total: 7 collections including 8 occurrences
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