Ulrichospira lloydii de Sowerby and Murchison 1839 (snail)

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Phanerotrematidae

Alternative combinations: Bembexia (Murchisonia) lloydi, Bembexia lloydii, Murchisonia lloydii, Phanerotrema lloydii, Pleurotomaria lloydi, Pleurotomaria lloydii, Seelya lloydii

Full reference: J. C. de Sowerby and R. I. Murchison. 1839. The Silurian System. Part 2. Organic Remains. The Silurian System 2:579-768

Belongs to Ulrichospira according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also d'Archiac and de Verneuil 1841, de Sowerby and Murchison 1839, Donald 1905, Lawson 1955, Lindström 1884, Manten 1971, Perner 1907, Ulrich and Scofield 1897 and Wagner 1999

Sister taxa: Ulrichospira othemensis, Ulrichospira similis, Ulrichospira valida

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Silurian of the Czech Republic (2 collections), Sweden (3), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (8)

Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence

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