†Yochelsonellis fasciculatus Perner 1903 (mollusk)
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Tergomya - Cyrtonellida - Cyrtolitidae
Alternative combinations: Cyrtolites fasciculatus, Yochelsonia fasciculatus
Full reference: J. Perner. 1903. Gastéropodes, Tome 1: Patellidae et Bellerophontidae 1-164
Belongs to Yochelsonellis according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Horný 1963 and Perner 1903
Sister taxa: Yochelsonellis decorus, Yochelsonellis fallax, Yochelsonellis kokeni, Yochelsonellis orphanus, Yochelsonellis planicosta
Type specimen: Its type locality is Tachlovice, which is in a Gorstian marine horizon in the Kopanina Formation of the Czech Republic
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal grazer
Distribution: found only at Tachlovice
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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