Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Bellerophontidae
Alternative combination: Bellerophon (Bucania) pelops
Synonyms: Bellerophon (Bellerophon) glyptotaenius Radabaugh 1942, Bellerophon (Bellerophon) homalotaenius Radabaugh 1942, Bellerophon exponens Hall 1879, Bellerophon glyptotaenius Radabaugh 1942, Bellerophon homalotaenius Radabaugh 1942, Bellerophon pelops exponens Hall 1879
Full reference: J. Hall. 1862. Contributions to palaeontology; comprising descriptions of new species of fossils from the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York on the State Cabinet of Natural History and the Historical and Antiquarian collection annexed thereto 15:29-155
Belongs to Bellerophon according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Clarke and Swartz 1913, Hall 1862, Hall 1876, Hall 1879, Linsley 1994 and McCammon 1960
Sister taxa: Bellerophon (Bellerophon), Bellerophon (Bucaniella), Bellerophon affinis, Bellerophon allegoricus, Bellerophon alutaceus, Bellerophon anthracophilus, Bellerophon barquensis, Bellerophon barrandei, Bellerophon bicarenus, Bellerophon bidorsata, Bellerophon blainvillei, Bellerophon blairi, Bellerophon bristolensis, Bellerophon chapmani, Bellerophon chesterensis, Bellerophon clarki, Bellerophon combsi, Bellerophon compressus, Bellerophon contortus, Bellerophon corriei, Bellerophon costatus, Bellerophon crassoides, Bellerophon cresswelli, Bellerophon creswelli, Bellerophon cymbularia, Bellerophon deflectus, Bellerophon demaneti, Bellerophon denckmanni, Bellerophon depauperatus, Bellerophon eminens, Bellerophon erawanensis, Bellerophon excavatus, Bellerophon formani, Bellerophon fraternus, Bellerophon gibsoni, Bellerophon goslariensis, Bellerophon graphicus, Bellerophon havliceki, Bellerophon helena, Bellerophon hiulcus, Bellerophon huashibanensis, Bellerophon hyalina, Bellerophon imperforatus, Bellerophon impressus, Bellerophon incertus, Bellerophon incomptus, Bellerophon insculptus, Bellerophon interstrialis, Bellerophon irregularis, Bellerophon isfarensis, Bellerophon janus, Bellerophon jeffersonensis, Bellerophon karatshatyrensis, Bellerophon kyndalynensis, Bellerophon laticallis, Bellerophon latisulcatus, Bellerophon latofasciatus, Bellerophon ledburiensis, Bellerophon lenticularis, Bellerophon lineatus, Bellerophon livengoodensis, Bellerophon lohestoe, Bellerophon macromphalus, Bellerophon macrostoma, Bellerophon mansfieldianus, Bellerophon miser, Bellerophon mongoliensis, Bellerophon murchisoni, Bellerophon nactus, Bellerophon nevadensis, Bellerophon newberryi, Bellerophon patersoni, Bellerophon pennatus, Bellerophon permianus, Bellerophon perplexa, Bellerophon pisum, Bellerophon pitkinensis, Bellerophon politus, Bellerophon polonicus, Bellerophon propinquus, Bellerophon pygmaeus, Bellerophon qinglongensis, Bellerophon quadratus, Bellerophon ruthveni, Bellerophon scaber, Bellerophon scheii, Bellerophon scissile, Bellerophon sedaliensis, Bellerophon shakhtauensis, Bellerophon shelbiensis, Bellerophon singularis, Bellerophon solitarius, Bellerophon solvensis, Bellerophon spergensis, Bellerophon squamatus, Bellerophon strictocanaliculus, Bellerophon stummi, Bellerophon subcostatus, Bellerophon subglobatus, Bellerophon subglobulus, Bellerophon sublaevis, Bellerophon sulcatinus, Bellerophon sulcatulus, Bellerophon sverdrupi, Bellerophon swainsensis, Bellerophon tenuifascia, Bellerophon tenuilineata, Bellerophon tenureticulatum, Bellerophon triangularis, Bellerophon tubulosus, Bellerophon ulrichi, Bellerophon vasulites, Bellerophon vigilii, Bellerophon wewokanus, Bellerophon whittleseyi, Bellerophon wrighti, Bellerophon yabei
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore
• Devonian of Canada (5: Manitoba collections), France (1), United States (9: Michigan, New York, Ohio)
Total: 15 collections including 17 occurrences
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