Subulites calciferus Billings 1859 (snail)

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Subulitidae

Alternative combinations: Fusispira calcifera, Fusispira calciferus

Full reference: E. Billings. 1859. Fossils of the Calciferous Sandrock, including those of a deposit of white limestone at Mingan, supposed to belong to the formation. The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist 4:345-367

Belongs to Subulites according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Billings 1859, Twenhofel 1938 and Ulrich and Scofield 1897

Sister taxa: Subulites acutus, Subulites amphora, Subulites attenuatus, Subulites beloitensis, Subulites bohemicus, Subulites canadensis, Subulites compactus, Subulites conradi, Subulites dixonenesis, Subulites ellisensis, Subulites elongatus, Subulites enormis, Subulites gigas, Subulites gloucesterensis, Subulites granum, Subulites inflata, Subulites lineolata, Subulites longior, Subulites microcochleus, Subulites nanus, Subulites parvus, Subulites pergracilis, Subulites planilateralis, Subulites priscus, Subulites prolongata, Subulites prolongatus, Subulites regularis, Subulites revalensis, Subulites richardsoni, Subulites stromboides, Subulites subelongatus, Subulites subula, Subulites terebriformis, Subulites thulensis, Subulites toernquisti

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: found only at Clearwater Point, Mingan Islands (Ordovician of Quebec)

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