Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Omphalocirridae
Alternative combination: Arctomphalus grandis
Full reference: I.P. Tolmachoff. 1930. On the fossil faunas from Per Schei’s Series D from Ellesmere Land with exception of brachiopods, corals and cephalopods. Report on the second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the “Fram” 1898-1902 38:1-106
Belongs to Omphalocirrus according to A. P. Gubanov et al. 1995
See also Knight 1941, Tolmachoff 1930 and Yochelson 1966
Sister taxa: Omphalocirrus beyeri, Omphalocirrus carnicus, Omphalocirrus goldfussi, Omphalocirrus hoegeri, Omphalocirrus kaukensis, Omphalocirrus kindlei, Omphalocirrus manitobensis, Omphalocirrus northi, Omphalocirrus pulcher, Omphalocirrus spinosus, Coelocentrus spectabilis, Coelocentrus pentagonalis, Coelocentrus tubifer, Hypomphalocirrus rugosus
Type specimen: PM A 19229, a shell
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Devonian of Canada (2: Northwest Territories collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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