Crinoidea - Dendrocrinida - Scytalocrinidae
Full reference: H. L. Strimple and R. C. Moore. 1971. Crinoids of the LaSalle Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (55)5-48
Belongs to Haeretocrinus according to H. L. Strimple and R. C. Moore 1971
Sister taxon: Haeretocrinus missouriensis
Type specimen: IGS42P64. Its type locality is LaSalle Limestone Member, Bond Fm., near Pontiac, Livingstone County, IL, which is in a Missourian marine shale/limestone in the Bond Formation of Illinois.
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at LaSalle Limestone Member, Bond Fm., near Pontiac, Livingstone County, IL
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