Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Plesiosoricidae
Full reference: B. Engesser. 1972. Die obermiozäne Säugetierfauna von Anwil (Baselland); (The Upper Miocene mammalian fauna of Anwil, Baselland). Tätigkeitsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Baselland 28:35-364
Belongs to Plesiosorex according to R. Ziegler 2009
See also Engesser 1972
Sister taxa: Plesiosorex aydarlensis, Plesiosorex coloradensis, Plesiosorex donroosai, Plesiosorex evolutus, Plesiosorex germanicus, Plesiosorex greeni, Plesiosorex latidens, Plesiosorex soricinoides, Plesiosorex styriacus
Type specimen: NMB AL 149, Naturhist. Museum Basel, a mandible (Mand. dext. i2, p4-m3,). Its type locality is Anwil, Baselland, which is in a MN 7 + 8 fluvial-lacustrine horizon in Switzerland.
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
• Miocene of Germany (2 collections), Hungary (1), Switzerland (1)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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