†subfamily Trogosinae Gazin 1953 (tillodont)

Mammalia - Cimolesta - Esthonychidae

Full reference: C. L. Gazin. 1953. The Tillodontia: an early Tertiary order of mammals. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 121(10):1-110

Parent taxon: Esthonychidae according to K. Miyata 2007

See also Gazin 1953 and Lucas and Schoch 1998

Sister taxa: Adapidium, Esthonychinae, Megalesthonyx, Plesiesthonyx

Subtaxa: Anchippodus Higotherium Tillodon Trogosus

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Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Eocene of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), China (1), Japan (3), United States (40: California, Colorado, New Jersey, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 45 collections including 47 occurrences

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