Dyscritellopsis Schäfer and Grant-Mackie 1994 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Trepostomida - Stenoporidae

Full reference: P. Schäfer and J. Grant-Mackie. 1994. Triassic Bryozoa from the Murihiku and Torlesse Supergroups, New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 16:1-52

Parent taxon: Stenoporidae according to A. Ernst et al. 2016

See also Nakrem and Ernst 2008 and Schäfer et al. 2003

Sister taxa: Amphiporella, Amplexoporinae, Anisotrypa, Arcticopora, Calacanthopora, Callocladia, Chondraulus, Coeloclemis, Diaphragmopora, Diplostenopora, Dyoidophragma, Eostenopora, Leeporina, Metastenodiscus, Microcampylus, Nikiforopora, Nipponostenoporinae, Parastenodiscus, Rhombotrypella, Stenocladia, Stenodiscus, Stenophragmidium, Stenoporinae, Stereotoechus, Tabulipora, Tabuliporella, Trachytoechus

Subtaxa: Dyscritellopsis isoseptatus Dyscritellopsis montelloensis Dyscritellopsis thaynesianus

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Type: Dyscritellopsis isoseptatus

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Triassic of New Caledonia (4 collections), New Zealand (1), United States (1: Nevada)

Total: 6 collections including 8 occurrences

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