Thomomys townsendii Bachman 1839 (Townsend's pocket gopher)
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Mammalia - Rodentia - Geomyidae
Alternative combinations: Geomys townsendii, Thomomys townsendi
Synonym: Thomomys scudderi Hay 1921
Belongs to Thomomys according to D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder 1993
See also Elftman 1931, Hall 1981 and Kurten and Anderson 1980
Sister taxa: Thomomys bottae, Thomomys bulbivorus, Thomomys carsonensis, Thomomys clusius, Thomomys gidleyi, Thomomys microdon, Thomomys monticola, Thomomys orientalis, Thomomys potomacensis, Thomomys talpoides, Thomomys umbrinus
Ecology: fossorial browser
• Quaternary of United States (2: Idaho, Oregon collections)
Total: 2 collections including 3 occurrences
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