Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Buccinidae
Alternative combination: Chrysodomus purisimaensis
Full reference: B. Martin. 1914. Descriptions of new species of fossil Mollusca from the later marine Neocene of California. University of California Publications Bulletin of the Department of Geology 8(7):181-202
Belongs to Neptunea (Colus) according to U. S. Grant, IV and H. R. Gale 1931
See also Martin 1914
Sister taxa: Colus (Aulacofusus), Colus altus, Colus arctatus, Colus gracilis, Colus hollboelli, Colus islandicus, Colus precursor, Colus pygmaeus, Colus rearensis, Colus sekiuensis, Colus stimpsoni, Neptunea (Colus) aphela, Neptunea (Colus) arctica, Neptunea (Colus) eurekaensis, Neptunea (Colus) griseus, Neptunea (Colus) halibrectus, Neptunea (Colus) jordani, Neptunea (Colus) merriami, Tritonofusus (Plicifusus), Tritonofusus fortunasensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is UCMP loc1780, which is in a Pliocene coastal horizon in the Purisima Formation of California.
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at UCMP loc. 1780
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