Pelonax potens Marsh 1893 (even-toed ungulate)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Entelodontidae

Alternative combinations: Ammodon potens, Archaeotherium potens

Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1893. Description of Miocene Mammalia. American Journal of Science 46(275):407-412

Belongs to Pelonax according to W. B. Scott 1940

See also Galbreath 1953, Hay 1902, Marsh 1893, Peterson 1909, Troxell 1920 and Troxell 1920

Sister taxa: Archaeotherium (Pelonax) lemleyi, Pelonax ramosus

Type specimen: YPM 12042, a mandible

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore

Distribution: found only at Horsetail Creek (Eocene of Colorado)

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