Serratocerithium eocenicum Cox 1931 (cerith snail)

Gastropoda - Cerithioidea - Cerithiidae

Alternative combination: Vicarya eocenica

Full reference: Cox. 1931. A contribution to the molluscan fauna of the Laki and basal Kirthar groups of the Indian Eocene. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg 57(2):25–92

Belongs to Serratocerithium according to S. Banerjee and K. Halder 2024

Sister taxa: Serratocerithium indicum, Serratocerithium serratum, Serratocerithium usanium

Ecology: epifaunal grazer

Distribution: found only at 63-3S-AIL (Paleocene to Eocene of Pakistan)

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