Mammalia - Rodentia - Geomyidae
Alternative combinations: Lignimus hibbardi, Phelosaccomys hibbardi
Full reference: J. E. Storer. 1973. The Entoptychine Geomyid Lignimus (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Kansas and Nebraska. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 10:72-83
Belongs to Parapliosaccomys according to W. W. Korth 1987
See also Korth 1997, Korth 1998, Korth and Chaney 1999, Korth and Reynolds 1994 and Storer 1973
Sister taxa: Parapliosaccomys annae, Parapliosaccomys oregonensis, Parapliosaccomys transversus, Parapliosaccomys witteorum
Type specimen: Its type locality is WaKeeny (UM-K6-59), which is in a Clarendonian channel sandstone/claystone in the Ogallala Formation of Kansas
Ecology: fossorial browser
• Miocene of United States (7: Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota collections)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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