Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Pantolestoidae
Full reference: T. M. Bown and D. Schankler. 1982. A review of the Proteutheria and Insectivora of the Willwood Formation (Lower Eocene), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1523:1-79
Belongs to Palaeosinopa according to T. M. Bown and D. Schankler 1982
Sister taxa: Palaeosinopa aestuarium, Palaeosinopa didelphoides, Palaeosinopa dorri, Palaeosinopa lacus, Palaeosinopa lutreola, Palaeosinopa nunavutensis, Palaeosinopa reclusum, Palaeosinopa russelli, Palaeosinopa veterrima
Type specimen: Its type locality is SC-211, which is in a Wasatchian terrestrial horizon in the Willwood Formation of Wyoming
Ecology: amphibious piscivore-durophage
• Eocene of United States (25: Colorado, Wyoming collections)
Total: 25 collections each including a single occurrence
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