Neohipparion affine Leidy 1869 (hipparionine horse)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae

Alternative combinations: Hipparion affine, Hippotherium affine

Synonyms: Hipparion (Hippodon) speciosum Leidy 1854, Hipparion dolichops Gidley 1906, Hipparion speciosum Leidy 1854, Hipparion whitneyi Gidley 1903, Hippodon speciosus Leidy 1854, Hippotherium speciosum Leidy 1854, Merychippus speciosum Leidy 1854, Neohipparion dolichops Gidley 1906, Neohipparion speciosum Leidy 1854, Neohipparion whitneyi Gidley 1903

Full reference: J. Leidy. 1869. The extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, including an account of some allied forms from other localities, together with a synopsis of the mammalian remains of North America. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 2:1-472

Belongs to Neohipparion according to S. R. May 2019

See also Cope 1889, Cope 1893, Gidley 1903, Gidley 1903, Gidley 1907, Gregory 1942, Hay 1902, Hulbert 1987, Leidy 1854, Leidy 1856, Leidy 1857, Leidy 1869, Leidy 1873, Macdonald 1992, MacFadden 1984, MacFadden 1998, Matthew 1909, Matthew 1924, Matthew and Stirton 1930, McGrew 1938, Osborn 1904, Osborn 1918, Quinn 1955, Skinner and Taylor 1967, Stirton 1940 and Webb 1969

Sister taxa: Neohipparion eurystyle, Neohipparion gidleyi, Neohipparion leptode, Neohipparion sanjuanensis, Neohipparion trampasense

Type specimens:

  • Neohipparion affine: USNM 584, a set of teeth (Five uppermolars of one individual; left m1, m2, p4, and right p4, p3). Its type locality is Porcupine Butte, which is in a Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Ash Hollow Formation of South Dakota.
  • Hippotherium speciosum: Its type locality is Niobrara River (coll. Hayden 1857), which is in a Barstovian/Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Loup Fork Formation of Nebraska.
  • Neohipparion dolichops: AMNH 10865, a maxilla (A portion of upper jaw containing teeth, p2 to m2). Its type locality is Canyon of Little White River, which is in a Clarendonian/Hemphillian terrestrial horizon in the Ash Hollow Formation of South Dakota.
  • Neohipparion whitneyi: AMNH 9815, a skeleton (A complete skull and skeleton of an adult female individual immediately associated with incomplete skeletons of five other individuals, immature, undoubtedly be). Its type locality is Canyon of Little White River, which is in a Clarendonian/Hemphillian terrestrial horizon in the Ash Hollow Formation of South Dakota.

Ecology: ground dwelling grazer


• Miocene of Guatemala (1 collection), United States (19: Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas)

Total: 20 collections including 21 occurrences

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