Tergomya - Archinacellida - Metoptomatidae
Full reference: H. Mansuy. 1913. Faunes des calcaires à Productus de l'Indochine. Première série. Mémoires du Service Géologiques de l'Indochine 2(4):1-133
Belongs to Lepetopsis according to H. Mansuy 1913
Sister taxa: Lepetopsis anthracophila, Lepetopsis artiensis, Lepetopsis capitanensis, Lepetopsis chesterensis, Lepetopsis franae, Lepetopsis haworthi, Lepetopsis levettei, Lepetopsis peregrina, Lepetopsis petricola, Lepetopsis phillipsi, Lepetopsis retrorsa, Lepetopsis shuangjingziensis, Lepetopsis taxiensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Ta-kreem, which is in a Wordian/Capitanian marine limestone in the Sisophon Formation of Cambodia
Ecology: epifaunal grazer
Distribution: found only at Ta-kreem
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