Philhedra crenistriata Hall 1860 (lamp shell)

Craniata - Craniida - Craniidae

Alternative combination: Crania crenistriata

Belongs to Philhedra according to R. D. Hoare and D. L. Steller 1969

See also Wang 2009

Sister taxa: Philhedra acutilirata, Philhedra athenae, Philhedra baltica, Philhedra cribrum, Philhedra grayii, Philhedra laelia, Philhedra megalophthalma, Philhedra pauciradiata, Philhedra playfairi, Philhedra pulchelloides, Philhedra rowleyi, Philhedra stawyensis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Devonian of United States (9: Indiana, New York collections)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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