Family Cucullaeidae Stewart 1930

Bivalvia - Arcida - Cucullaeidae

Alternative spelling: Cucullaeinae

Synonyms: Idonearcidae Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979, Lopatiniidae Scarlato and Starobogatov 1979

Parent taxon: Arcoidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011

See also Bieler and Mikkelsen 2006, Bouchet et al. 2010, El Qot 2006, Maxwell 1992, Nevesskaja 2009, Newell 1965, Ros-Franch et al. 2014, Stilwell 1998, Stilwell et al. 2004, Vermeij and Amano 2021 and Vokes 1980

Sister taxa: Arcidae, Catamarcaiidae, Frejidae, Glycymerididae, Noetiidae, Parallelodontidae

Subtaxa: Cucullaea Dicranodonta Lopatinia Megacucullaea Noramya Pseudocucullaea Tetrarca

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• Quaternary of Italy (2 collections), Japan (7), Morocco (1), Portugal (4), Taiwan (5), Yemen (1)

• Pliocene of Australia (2), Belgium (1), India (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (1), Japan (4), Pakistan (3), the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (4)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Australia (1), Chile (1)

• Miocene to Pleistocene of Argentina (1)

• Miocene of Argentina (12), Australia (11), Chile (9), India (1), Indonesia (4), Iran (1), Italy (2), New Zealand (21), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (1), United States (1: California)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Argentina (1), Australia (1)

• Oligocene of Argentina (7), Australia (1), New Zealand (21)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Argentina (2)

• Eocene of Antarctica (21), Argentina (3), Australia (3), Chile (1), Egypt (1), Japan (1), Mexico (1), New Zealand (15), United States (9: California, Maryland, Virginia, Washington)

• Paleocene to Eocene of United States (2: California)

• Paleocene of Antarctica (17), Argentina (6), Austria (1), Belgium (5), Bulgaria (4), Denmark (7), Egypt (1), France (1), Germany (3), Mexico (4), New Zealand (6), Nigeria (1), Poland (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United States (202: Alabama, California, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia)

• Tertiary of United States (1: California)

• Cretaceous to Paleogene of United States (2: New Jersey)

• Cretaceous of Afghanistan (1), Algeria (5), Angola (1), Antarctica (15), Argentina (59), Austria (2), Azerbaijan (1), Belgium (1), Brazil (6), Bulgaria (1), Cameroon (12), Canada (4: Alberta, British Columbia), Chile (5), Colombia (2), the Congo-Brazzaville (2), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), Cuba (1), Egypt (33), France (6), Gabon (1), Germany (8), Greenland (5), Hungary (1), India (1), Italy (3), Japan (30), Libya (2), Mexico (7), Mozambique (3), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (26), Nigeria (5), Oman (3), Peru (8), Poland (7), the Russian Federation (12), Senegal (1), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Somalia (1), South Africa (4), Spain (1), Sweden (1), Tanzania (2), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (2), the United Arab Emirates (2), the United Kingdom (28), United States (382: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming), Venezuela (1), Yemen (1)

• Heterian of New Zealand (2)

• Jurassic of Argentina (23), Chile (16), France (14), Germany (2), Greenland (21), India (6), Japan (2), Kenya (2), Madagascar (2), Poland (1), Portugal (9), the Russian Federation (2), Saudi Arabia (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (32), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Tanzania (13), the United Kingdom (37), United States (10: Montana, Utah, Wyoming)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Singapore (1)

• Triassic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Italy (5), Singapore (1)

• Devonian of the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 1380 collections including 1515 occurrences

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