Nymphaster coombii Forbes 1848 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Valvatida - Goniasteridae

Alternative combination: Goniaster (Astrogonium) coombii

Full reference: E. Forbes. 1848. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2(2):457-482

Belongs to Nymphaster according to J.W.M. Jagt et al. 2021

See also Forbes 1848

Sister taxa: Nymphaster albensis, Nymphaster alseni, Nymphaster arduennensis, Nymphaster dutempleanus, Nymphaster fontis, Nymphaster humilis, Nymphaster magistrorum, Nymphaster marginatus, Nymphaster miocenicus, Nymphaster mudzborgh, Nymphaster obtusus, Nymphaster ornatus, Nymphaster peakei, Nymphaster rectus, Nymphaster spenceri, Nymphaster studlandensis, Nymphaster wrighti

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Cretaceous of France (4 collections), the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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