†family Comoseridae de Fromentel 1861

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Comoseridae

initially spelled in french as "Comosériniens"

Alternative spelling: Comoseriidae

Synonym: Microsolenidae Koby 1890 [replaced name]

Full reference: E. de Fromentel. 1861. Introduction à l'étude des polypiers fossiles. Mémoires de la Société d'Emulation du département du Doubs 3:1-357

Parent taxon: Microsolenina according to D. K. Pandey et al. 2000

See also Baron-Szabo 1997, Baron-Szabo 2021, Cairns et al. 2010, Lathuilière 2024, Turnsek 1997 and Wells 1956

Sister taxa: Brachyphylliidae, Cunnolitidae, Ebrayia, Latomeandridae, Leptophylliidae, Negoporitidae

Subtaxa: Araiophyllum Chomatoseris Comoseris Dactylaraea Dendraraea Dermoseris Dimorpharaea Disaraea Eocomoseris Genabacia Hydnophoromeandraraea Kobya Litharaeopsis Microsolena Microsolenastraea Mycetaraea Partimeandra Semeloseris Tricycloseris Trocharea Trochoplegma

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• Eocene of Papua New Guinea (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Austria (8), Bulgaria (11), China (1), the Czech Republic (3), France (21), Georgia (8), Germany (6), Greece (8), Hungary (1), India (1), Iran (2), Jamaica (1), Japan (4), Madagascar (1), Mexico (8), Poland (5), Portugal (1), Romania (2), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovenia (2), Spain (15), Switzerland (3), Trinidad and Tobago (2), Turkmenistan (8), Ukraine (4), United States (12: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Japan (4), Spain (1)

• Jurassic of Afghanistan (1), Algeria (3), Azerbaijan (6), Belgium (1), Bulgaria (3), Canada (2: Nova Scotia), Chile (1), China (2), Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (6), Egypt (1), Ethiopia (1), France (107), Georgia (10), Germany (17), Greece (1), India (7), Indonesia (2), Iran (21), Israel (1), Italy (10), Japan (2), Jordan (4), Madagascar (1), Morocco (13), Myanmar (1), Poland (27), Portugal (39), Romania (12), the Russian Federation (6), Saudi Arabia (13), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Slovakia (5), Slovenia (13), Spain (10), Switzerland (15), Tajikistan (3), Thailand (3), Tunisia (5), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (20), Uzbekistan (6)

• Triassic of Australia (1), Austria (5), China (1), India (3), Iran (1), Italy (4), Mexico (1), Nepal (1), Peru (1), Slovenia (2), United States (13: Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon)

Total: 589 collections including 1202 occurrences

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