Macoma (Rexithaerus) vanvlecki Arnold 1909 (tellin clam)

Bivalvia - Cardiida - Tellinidae

Alternative combination: Macoma vanvlecki

Full reference: R. Arnold. 1909. Paleontology of the Coalinga District, Fresno and Kings Counties, California. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 396:1-173

Belongs to Macoma (Rexithaerus) according to E. J. Moore 2003

See also Coan et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Macoma (Rexithaerus) addicotti, Macoma (Rexithaerus) andersoni, Macoma (Rexithaerus) copelandi, Macoma (Rexithaerus) dexioptera, Macoma (Rexithaerus) diabloensis, Macoma (Rexithaerus) indentata, Macoma (Rexithaerus) panzana, Macoma (Rexithaerus) rosa, Macoma (Rexithaerus) sespeensis, Rexithaerus expansa, Rexithaerus secta

Type specimen: USNM 165576, a shell

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal deposit feeder


• Pliocene of United States (3: California collections)

• Miocene of the Russian Federation (1), United States (3: California)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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