Larkinia santana Loel and Corey 1932 (ark)

Bivalvia - Arcida - Arcidae

Alternative combinations: Anadara (Larkinia) santana, Anadara santana, Arca (Anadara) santana

Full reference: W. Loel and W. H. Corey. 1932. The Vaqueros Formation, Lower Miocene of California. I. Paleontology. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 22(3):31-410

Belongs to Larkinia according to E. J. Moore 1983

See also Hendy 2020, Loel and Corey 1932 and Reinhart 1943

Sister taxa: Anadara (Larkinia) notabilis, Anadara (Larkinia) sellardsi, Anadara (Larkinia) transversa, Larkinia camuloensis, Larkinia grandis, Larkinia larkinii, Larkinia multicostata

Subtaxa: Larkinia santana santana Larkinia santana weddlei

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Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder


• Miocene of United States (15: California collections)

Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence

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