Vertipecten bowersi Arnold 1906 (scallop)

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae

Alternative combination: Pecten (Lyropecten) bowersi

Full reference: R. Arnold. 1906. Tertiary and Quaternary pectens of California. USGS Professional Paper 47:1-264

Belongs to Vertipecten according to J. T. Smith 1991

See also Arnold 1906, Grant, IV and Gale 1931, Loel and Corey 1932 and Moore 1984

Sister taxa: Pecten (Vertipecten) rhytidus, Pecten (Vertipecten) ynezianus, Vertipecten alexclarki, Vertipecten fucanus, Vertipecten kernensis, Vertipecten lachenbruchi, Vertipecten perrini, Vertipecten popofensis, Vertipecten porterensis, Vertipecten yneziana

Type specimen: Its type locality is Gillis's Ranch, which is in a Miocene marine horizon in California

Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Miocene of United States (15: California collections)

• Oligocene of United States (3: California)

Total: 18 collections each including a single occurrence

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