Tapirus kabomani Cozzuol et al. 2013 (kabomani tapir)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Tapiridae

Full reference: M. A. Cozzuol, C. L. Clozato, E. C. Holanda, F. H. G. Rodrigues, S. Nienow, B. Thoisy, R. A. F. Redondo and F. R. Santos. 2013. A new species of tapir from the Amazon. Journal of Mammalogy 94:1331-1345

Belongs to Tapirus according to M. A. Cozzuol et al. 2013

Sister taxa: Tapirus (Helicotapirus), Tapirus (Megatapirus), Tapirus (Tapiralum), Tapirus antiquus, Tapirus arvernensis, Tapirus bairdii, Tapirus balkanicus, Tapirus californicus, Tapirus cristatellus, Tapirus greslebini, Tapirus indicus, Tapirus johnsoni, Tapirus merriami, Tapirus mesopotamicus, Tapirus oliverasi, Tapirus pinchaque, Tapirus polkensis, Tapirus priscus, Tapirus rioplatensis, Tapirus rondoniensis, Tapirus sanyuanensis, Tapirus simpsoni, Tapirus sinensis, Tapirus tarijensis, Tapirus terrestris, Tapirus webbi

Type specimen: UFMG 3177, an other (a complete skeleton and parts of the skin of a young adult male, with complete fused epiphyses in long bones, but with 3rd molars unerupted)

Ecology: amphibious browser

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Tapirus kabomani in the database

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