Turritella uvasana sargeanti Anderson and Hanna 1925 (turret shell)

Gastropoda - Cerithioidea - Turritellidae

Alternative combination: Turritella sargeanti

Full reference: F. M. Anderson and G. D. Hanna. 1925. Fauna and stratigraphic relations of the Tejon Eocene at the type locality in Kern County, California. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 11:1-249

Belongs to Turritella uvasana according to C. W. Merriam 1941

See also Anderson and Hanna 1925

Sister taxa: Turritella uvasana aedificata, Turritella uvasana applinae, Turritella uvasana bicarinata, Turritella uvasana chehalisensis, Turritella uvasana etheringtoni, Turritella uvasana hendoni, Turritella uvasana infera, Turritella uvasana neopleura, Turritella uvasana olequahensis, Turritella uvasana stewarti, Turritella uvasana tricarinata

Type specimen: CAS 284, a shell. Its type locality is CAS loc. 244, Live Oak Canyon, which is in an Eocene marginal marine sandstone/shale in the Tejon Formation of California.

Ecology: facultatively mobile semi-infaunal suspension feeder


• Eocene of United States (7: California collections)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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