Florideophyceae - Corallinophycidae
Alternative combinations: Archaeolithothamnion keenani, Archaeolithothamnium keenani
Full reference: M. A. Howe. 1934. Eocene marine algae (Lithothamnieae) from the Sierra Blanca Limestone. Geological Society America Bulletin 45:507-518
Belongs to Sporolithon according to J. H. Johnson 1945
See also Howe 1934 and Johnson and Stewart 1953
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is LSJU locality 930, Indian Creek, which is in a Ypresian reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Sierra Blanca Formation of California
• Miocene of Poland (6 collections)
• Eocene of India (1), United States (3: California)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence
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