Full reference: A. Solorzano, A. Encinas, A. Kramarz, G. Carrasco, G. Montoya-Sanhueza and R. Bobe. 2020. Late early Miocene caviomorph rodents from Laguna del Laja (~37° S), Cura-Mallín Formation, south-central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 102:102658
Belongs to Luantus according to A. Solorzano et al. 2020
Sister taxa: Luanthus initialis, Luantus minor, Luantus propheticus, Luantus toldensis
Type specimen: SGO.PV.1401, a mandible (fragment of right mandible with the base of incisor, incompletely erupted unworn p4, and moderately worn m1). Its type locality is Estero Trapa Trapa West, which is in a Santacrucian/Laventan fluvial-lacustrine sandstone/conglomerate in the Cura-Mallín Formation of Chile.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
Distribution: found only at Estero Trapa Trapa West
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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