†unranked clade Tilieae Chandler 1961
Angiospermae - Malvales - Tiliaceae
Full reference: M. E. J. Chandler. 1961. The Lower Tertiary Floras of Southern England. I. Palaeocene Floras. London Clay Flora (Supplement) 1-354
Parent taxon: Tiliaceae according to M. E. J. Chandler 1961
Sister taxa: Apeibopsis, Burretia, Cantitilia, Corchorites, Corchorus, Etheridgea, Grewia, Grewiopsis, Grewioxylon, Heliocarpoxylon, Intratriporopollenites, Palaeogrewia, Tilia, Tiliaephyllum, Tilianthus, Tilioxylon, Triumfetta, Willisia
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: stationary C3 autotroph
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Tilieae in the database