Pseudocyon Lartet 1851 (bear-dog)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Amphicyonidae

Synonym: Amphicyonopsis Viret 1929

Parent taxon: Amphicyoninae according to R. M. Hunt 1998

See also Alroy 2002, Bourguignat 1875, Carroll 1988 and Pickford et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Afrocyon, Amphicyon, Amphicyonini, Goupilictis, Ischyrocyon, Magericyon, Megamphicyon, Mogharacyon, Myacyon, Namibiocyon, Pliocyon, Pseudarctini, Tartarocyon, Thaumastocyonini, Vishnucyon

Subtaxa: Pseudocyon caucasicus Pseudocyon sansaniensis Pseudocyon steinheimensis

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Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore


• Miocene of France (10 collections), Germany (2), the Russian Federation (1), United States (14: Nebraska, New Mexico)

Total: 27 collections each including a single occurrence

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