Elphidotarsius Gidley 1923 (primate)

Mammalia - Primates - Carpolestidae

Parent taxon: Carpolestinae according to K. C. Beard et al. 2016

See also Alroy 2002, Beard and Wang 1995, Gunnell 1989, McKenna and Bell 1997, Simpson 1937 and Simpson 1940

Sister taxa: Carpocristes, Carpodaptes, Carpolestes, Subengius

Subtaxa: Elphidotarsius florencae Elphidotarsius russelli Elphidotarsius shotgunensis Elphidotarsius wightoni

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Type: Elphidotarsius florencae

Ecology: arboreal herbivore


• Paleocene of Canada (7: Alberta collections), United States (7: Montana, Wyoming)

Total: 14 collections including 15 occurrences

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