Betaneospirifer moosakhailensis Davidson 1862 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae

Alternative combinations: Neospirifer (Neospirifer) moosakhailensis, Neospirifer moosakhailensis, Neospirifer musakheylensis, Spirifer (Neospirifer) musakheylensis, Spirifer moosakhailensis, Spirifer musakhelensis, Spirifer musakheylensis, Spirifera moosakhailensis, Spirifera musakheylensis

Full reference: T. Davidson. 1862. On some Carboniferous Brachiopoda collected in India by A. Fleming, MD, and W. Purdon, Esq, FGS. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 18:25-35

Belongs to Betaneospirifer according to J. B. Waterhouse 2004

See also Astre 1934, Davidson 1862, Diener 1897, Etheridge 1903, Grabau 1931, Lee and Gu 1980, Mansuy 1913, Reed 1944, Rothpletz 1892, Shen et al. 2003, Shi and Shen 1997, Shimizu 1981, Waagen 1883, Waterhouse 1966 and Waterhouse 1978

Sister taxa: Betaneospirifer ambiensis, Betaneospirifer marcoui, Betaneospirifer neomarcoui, Betaneospirifer ravaniformis, Betaneospirifer shii

Type specimen: BMNH 82371. Its type locality is Moosakhail (Fleming coll), which is in a Wuchiapingian marine limestone in the Wargal Formation of Pakistan.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Australia (3 collections), Canada (1: British Columbia), China (2), India (9), Indonesia (1), Laos (1), Madagascar (1), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (1), Nepal (10), Pakistan (111), Vietnam (1)

Total: 142 collections each including a single occurrence

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