Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Pantolestoidae
Synonym: Dyspternidae Kretzoi 1943
Parent taxon: Pantolestoidae according to O. P. Hay 1930
See also Cope 1889, Gazin 1969, Gregory 1910, Hay 1902, Hooker 1986, Jaekel 1911, McKenna and Bell 1997, Rose et al. 2012, Scott et al. 2002 and Van Valen 1967
Sister taxon: Eohyidae
Subtaxa: Aatotomus Androconus Bessoecetor Bogdia Buxolestes Dyspterninae Leptonysson Pagonomus Palaeosinopa Pantolestes Pantolestinae Pantomimus Pentacodon Premontrelestes Propalaeosinopa Thelysia
Type: Pantolestes
Ecology: amphibious piscivore-durophage
• Oligocene of Belgium (1 collection)
• Eocene of Belgium (1), Canada (2: Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan), France (5), Kazakhstan (2), Mongolia (2), the United Kingdom (10), United States (106: Arkansas, Colorado, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)
• Clarkforkian of United States (16: Montana, Wyoming)
• Paleocene of Canada (21: Alberta, Saskatchewan), France (1), Mongolia (1), United States (44: California, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 212 collections including 246 occurrences