Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Muricidae
Alternative combinations: Trophon (Forreria) gabbianum, Trophon gabbiana, Trophon gabbianus
Full reference: F. M. Anderson. 1905. A Stratigraphic Study in the Mount Diablo Range of California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Third Series Geology 2(2):1-148
Belongs to Ocenebra according to W.O. Addicott 1970
See also Anderson 1905, Anderson and Martin 1914 and Arnold 1909
Sister taxa: Murex (Ocenebra) alveolatus, Murex (Ocenebra) biconicus, Murex (Ocenebra) crassiliratus, Murex (Ocenebra) prionotus, Murex (Ocenebra) tridentatus, Murex (Ocinebra) dalli, Murex (Ocinebra) nashi, Murex (Ocinebra) rodeoensis, Murex (Ocinebra) selbyensis, Murex (Ocinebra) sobrantensis, Ocenebra ashiyaensis, Ocenebra bonaccorsii, Ocenebra clarki, Ocenebra crassilabiatus, Ocenebra credneri, Ocenebra depoensis, Ocenebra erinaceus, Ocenebra milicentana, Ocenebra petrocyon, Ocenebra scalaris, Ocenebra striata, Ocenebra trophonoides, Ocenebra wilkesana, Ocinebra dietrichi
Subtaxa: Trophon (Forreria) gabbianum cancellarioides
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Ocenebra gabbiana in the database
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