Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Full reference: R. Arnold. 1908. New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of Santa Barbara County, California. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Contributions 50(4):419-436
Belongs to Pecten (Pecten) according to W. Loel and W. H. Corey 1932
See also Addicott 1974, Arnold 1908, Hall 2002 and Moore 1984
Sister taxa: Pecten (Pecten) albicans, Pecten (Pecten) aletes, Pecten (Pecten) beringianus, Pecten (Pecten) byoritsuensis, Pecten (Pecten) dentatus, Pecten (Pecten) gedinganensis, Pecten (Pecten) gordus, Pecten (Pecten) illesca, Pecten (Pecten) javanus, Pecten (Pecten) lecontei, Pecten (Pecten) mexicanus, Pecten (Pecten) perplanus, Pecten (Pecten) poulsoni, Pecten (Pecten) pyxidatus, Pecten (Pecten) slevini, Pecten (Pecten) ventonensis
Type specimen: USNM 165305, a shell
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Miocene of United States (15: California collections)
Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence
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