†Macrocystella azaisi Thoral 1935
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Alternative combination: Mimocystites azaisi
Full reference: M. Thoral. 1935. Contribution à l'étude paléontologique de l'Ordovicien inférieur de la Montagne Noire et révision sommaire de la faune cambrienne de la Montagne Noire. Imprimerie de la Charité, Montpellier 1-362
Belongs to Macrocystella according to C. R. C. Paul 1968
See also Thoral 1935
Sister taxa: Macrocystella bavarica, Macrocystella bohemicus, Macrocystella durandi, Macrocystella greylingi, Macrocystella mariae, Macrocystella pauli, Macrocystella tasseftensis
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Layer F, Babeau-Bouldoux (Ordovician of France)
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