Scaphander alaskensis Clark 1932 (snail)

Gastropoda - Opisthobranchiata - Cylichnidae

Full reference: B. L. Clark. 1932. Fauna of the Poul and Yakataga Formations (Upper Oligocene) of Southern Alaska. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 43:797-846

Belongs to Scaphander according to B. L. Clark 1932

Sister taxa: Bulla (Scaphander) elegans, Scaphander (Mirascapha), Scaphander (Scaphander), Scaphander brevicula, Scaphander conradi, Scaphander impunctatus, Scaphander interruptus, Scaphander jacksonensis, Scaphander javanus, Scaphander jugularis, Scaphander nannus, Scaphander oligoturritus, Scaphander oregonensis, Scaphander polysarcus, Scaphander radii, Scaphander rarus, Scaphander remondi, Scaphander stewarti, Scaphander washingtonensis

Type specimen: UCMP 12382. Its type locality is UCMP 3854 Big River, which is in a Chattian marine horizon in the Poul Creek Formation of Alaska.

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Oligocene of United States (2: Alaska collections)

• Eocene of the Russian Federation (4)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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