Rallus cyanocavi Steadman et al. 2013 (rail)

Aves - Gruiformes - Rallidae

Full reference: D. W. Steadman, J. R. Morris, and N. A. Wright. 2013. A new species of late Pleistocene rail (Aves: Rallidae) from Abaco, the Bahamas. Paleontological Journal 47:1355-1364

Belongs to Rallus according to D. W. Steadman et al. 2013

Sister taxa: Rallus aquaticus, Rallus elegans, Rallus ibycus, Rallus limicola, Rallus longirostris, Rallus natator, Rallus phillipsi, Rallus prenticei, Rallus recessus, Rallus richmondi, Rallus sumiderensis, Rallus virginianus

Type specimen: UF 241537, a limb element (tarsometatarsus). Its type locality is Sawmill Sink owl roost, which is in a Pleistocene sinkhole limestone in the Bahamas.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at Sawmill Sink owl roost

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