Exogyra inornata Packard 1922 (oyster)

Bivalvia - Ostreida - Gryphaeidae

Full reference: E. L. Packard. 1922. New species from the Cretaceous of the Santa Ana Mountains, California. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 13(10):413-462

Belongs to Exogyra according to E. L. Packard 1922

See also Anderson 1958

Sister taxa: Exogyra (Aetostreon), Exogyra (Costagyra), Exogyra (Exogyra), Exogyra africana, Exogyra americana, Exogyra auriformis, Exogyra californica, Exogyra clarki, Exogyra columbella, Exogyra conica, Exogyra contorta, Exogyra davidsoni, Exogyra ganhamoroba, Exogyra griepenkerli, Exogyra lancha, Exogyra miotaurinensis, Exogyra mutatoria, Exogyra ostracina, Exogyra overwegi, Exogyra ponderosa, Exogyra quitmanensis, Exogyra reedi, Exogyra scheibei, Exogyra sergipensis, Exogyra solea, Exogyra tamaulipana, Exogyra upatoiensis, Exogyra wetzleri, Exogyra woolmani, Exogyra yabei

Type specimen: UCMP 12284. Its type locality is UCMP loc. 2143, Santa Ana Mountains, which is in a Turonian/Campanian marine horizon in the Ladd Formation of California.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at UCMP loc. 2143, Santa Ana Mountains

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