Trachyrhynchus Bonaparte 1841 (ray-finned fish)

Actinopteri - Gadiformes

Alternative spelling: Trachyrhinchus

Parent taxon: Gadiformes according to J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002

See also Nolf and Steurbaut 1983 and Schwarzhans 1980

Sister taxa: Bathygadidae, Brosme, Euclichthyidae, Gadoidei, Gaidropsaridae, Lota, Macrouroidei, Macruroididae, Macruronidae, Maorigadus, Melanonidae, Merluccidae, Muraenolepididae, Paratichthys, Pollachius, Pseudoraniceps, Ranicipitidae, Rankinian, Squalogadus, Trichurides

Subtaxa: Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus

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Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Pliocene of Italy (5 collections)

• Miocene of Italy (1), New Zealand (1)

Total: 7 collections including 8 occurrences

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