Mendozachelys wichmanni de la Fuente et al. 2017 (sideneck turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Chelidae

Full reference: M. S. de la Fuente, I. Maniel, J. M. Janello, J. Sterli, B. Gonzalez Riga and F. Novas. 2017. A new large panchelid turtle (Pleurodira) from the Loncoche Formation (upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian) of the Mendoza Province (Argentina): Morphological, osteohistological studies, and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis. Cretaceous Research 69:147-168

Belongs to Mendozachelys according to M. S. de la Fuente et al. 2017

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MACN-Pv-Mz 2, a skeleton. Its type locality is Ranquil-Có taphofacies 1, which is in a Campanian/Maastrichtian marginal marine siltstone/claystone in the Loncoche Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: amphibious piscivore

Distribution: found only at Ranquil-Có taphofacies 1

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