Diagnosis: Flowers unisexual, female, conical in shape, 3.8-5.2 mm in size, bracteate, bracts funnel shaped, emerge from base of receptacle, seems to extend up to apex of ovary. Receptacle well developed, narrow at base and flattened at top, bears ovary in middle and hypanthium at margin. Hypanthium cylindrical, fused, 4 lobed, swollen at base, tapered in middle and again slightly swollen at top, extends up to base of style, juxtaposed to ovary wall. Ovary cone shaped, partition not clearly observed, apparently broader at base and gradually pointed at apex, marginal cellsof ovary strongly built, inner cells parenchymatous, circular, glandular cells present on margin in rows (l.s.). Style long, cylindrical, inner part hollow, stigma serrated.
Belongs to Sahnipushpam according to J. K. Verma 1956
See also Lakhanpal et al. 1976
Sister taxon: Sahnipushpam glandulosum
Type specimen: BSIP 5505, 5510, 10372, a fertile axis. Its type locality is Mohgaon Kalan, which is in a Paleogene lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal horizon in the Deccan Intertrappean Formation of India.
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
Distribution: found only at Mohgaon Kalan
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